Tuesday, September 10, 2013

House Case

In the beginning of the class, we went through basic concepts of the cell membrane:

We learnt why water and how water goes through a cell, through the protein channels, since the lipid fat layers will repel water away.

For the second half of the class, we did a house case diagnosis on a high school senior runner with symptoms of vomit, headache, cramps etc. Me, Anthony and Blake volunteered to be the three "main doctors" and we had to put the clients' symptoms, tests that we think we should perform, and our hypothesized diagnosis on the board. After our class has asked for the meal history, vitals, medical history and performing some tests on the high school senior. I came up with the conclusion that he is over hydrated, or diagnosed Hypertremia due to different factors, such as his urine having too little amount of Na in it. A detailed lab report will soon be uploaded for this house case, and I will go over the details of the diagnosis. 

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